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Review Detail

Practices, Clinics and Hospitals tootstoots February 15, 2012 6191
When Guinea Pigs Fly! Tilly n Toots @ Timberlyne
Overall rating 
Quality of Pet Care 
Quality of Customer Service 
Price Performance 

Very compassionate when Tilly took ill. SubQ fluids, nutritional support, and additional treatment in moderation, without excess, without ineptitude or inefficiency. Sweet about taking all my calls when she worsened again at home, walking me through medicating and giving fluids myself. Cleaned her up nicely when I took her body home so my kids wouldn't see her messy after her illness and passing. Helped me teach my kids about ethical pet care.

Keeps my sows in top condition, and handles one in particular so well she talks, wheeks, and chatters at them the whole time we are there. No hiding in her house or cuddle cup when at TAC! If unfamiliar with a treatment, they do their homework and find answers without pontificating and pretending to be experts. Understands when and if a family is limited to certain treatment options, especially if little kids are involved and don't want to see their piggy in pain or growing tumors. No judgment within their walls while I make tough decisions.

Help prevent dental problems, parasites, skin infections and scurvy by educating about good home care, living surface area, and nutrition, rather than treat after I do harm rather than help, then saving me major money and piggy's risk for sedated dental cleaning or intensive/critical care. Thanks TAC!
Great care for my plethora of cats and dogs too.

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