Review Detail

Rescue Groups FoggycreekcavyFoggycreekcavy September 18, 2011 15364

Hi (and thanks for rescuing g.p.s),
We have had guinea pigs for over 10 years, almost all rescues, as many as 5 at a time. We now have a single,spayed, middle-older aged female whose companion male died just before Christmas. We'd love to adopt another pig or two to keep her company. We live in N. Seattle and are checking out our options at several places - Rabbit Meadows, Seattle Animal Shelter, Humane Society, you, etc. We have a large C&C cage in our living room - it's about 4'x 5' and on a single level now, but we sometimes add a second tier and ramps for fun. Would like to know who you have available to adopt right now. We're thinking we'd like to adopt a single male or 1-2 females. We'd especially love to have some younger pigs, but it's all a matter of personality and kismet, of course. Oh, and we're partial to long-haired (Peruvians &/or Shelties) and Abyssinian types, but have had all sorts, all colors, so, y'know, that's just a sort of wish list. Please let us know if you have pigs for us! Thanks! We look forward to hearing back from you (a.s.a.p.!).

Owner's reply

Sorry I missed this! I have lots of single females right now, and two neutered males. No Peruvians or Shelties, though one of the males is a Teddy. You can see most of them on my Petfinder website. You can email via my rescue email address for more information. Both my website and email address are at the top of this listing.

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